TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
173. John Loftus: "Q" Clearance Warrior
TrineDay’s The Journey Podcast 173.
John Loftus. "Q" Clearance Warrior.
In this episode, Publisher Kris Millegan and TrineDay's new assistant host, A. W. Finnegan, speak with guest John J. Loftus, author of America's Nazi Secret (Formerly The Belarus Secret), about his pioneering work in America's Nazi Secret, being the first to disclose the to the public the biological warfare connections to Lyme disease, which he had learned early on through his connections with the intelligence community, particularly through one of his biodefense sources, who also held a "Q" Clearance like him.
Loftus and Finnegan discuss their getting to know each other and corresponding for several years during Finnegan's writing of The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare. They discuss some of the intricacies in the way these biological wars began in World War I and continued through today.
John Loftus also discusses his upcoming memoir "My Clients Were Spies" about his time as an attorney for sources in the Intelligence Community hoping to get more information about certain events in American history declassified, like he had done with the material on OPERATION PAPERCLIP in the 1980s, which produced an appearance on 60 Minutes in 1982 that was nominated for an Emmy award.