TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
138. Matt Vaughn: High Strangeness in Theory & Practice
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Matt Vaughn about Edgar Cayce, Aleister Crowley, the shamanistic literature read by young people in the 1960s, THE ILLUMINATUS! TRILOGY by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, the Satanic Panic of the 1980s (“a moral panic consisting of over 12,000 unsubstantiated cases of Satanic ritual abuse starting in the United States in the 1980s” – Wikipedia), and other aspects of the paranormal. Matt is the author of the upcoming (early 2024) MY COSMIC TRIGGER: High Strangeness in Theory & Practice, about happenings so uncanny, they are deemed “utterly absurd.” Matt, a paranormal researcher since elementary school, immersed in shamanistic spiritual practices for almost three decades, has a 20-plus-year career as a mental health professional. He’s also a podcaster, a poet, a screenwriter, a member of an avantgarde rock band, and a standup comedian who has performed extensively in both Atlanta, GA and Istanbul, Turkey.