TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
142. Dr. Juliette Engel: Mind Control, Moscow, and Inbred Idiots
Publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan speaks with Dr. Juliette Engel (author of SPARKY: Surviving Sex Magick, her memoir of being sold as a child into the CIA’s Sex Magick cult, and ANGELS OVER MOSCOW: Life, Death and Human Trafficking in Russia, about the underground railroad she created in Russia that saved 70,000 trafficking victim) about:
Americans and Russians being used as cat’s paws in propaganda wars;
how Skull and Bones softened up America with the Civil War and infiltrated our institutions, using the Spanish-American War to make big money through drug trafficking and other imperial abuses;
how “ruling” families often put first-borns into mind control programs multi-generationally;
how they can inbreed so much over time, idiots often exist in positions of power;
Juliette growing up with little memory of her childhood;
how her parents were so scared of what was done to her, when she asked about it, they fled to Mexico and she never saw them again;
and her new TrineDay book, MOSCOW TRAFFIC, which novelizes the creation of organized crime and corruption in Russia (much like THE GODFATHER novelized organized crime in America).
Learn more at julietteengel.com.